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  1. 先了解小孩的發展程度,安排配合的實體遊戲,如配對積木、桌遊。

  2. 建立其他強項。過關能讓小孩有成功感,家長應協助小孩在其他活動獲得滿足感。

  3. 適當地控制小孩上網時間,例如設定時間在”五分鐘”等,但不建議一下子取消上網或沒收手機。

  4. 建立良好身教,不應經常在小孩面前使用電子產品。

  5. 收回孩子的注意力,例如準備一套孩子喜歡的餐具、設立孩子專屬的吃飯桌椅,同時回收飯桌邊的所有玩具,讓他們排除干擾,並明白到吃飯時就應該專心一志。[2]

At the end of 2017, WHO announced that they was planning to formally treat over indulgence in electronic games as a kind of psychological health problem in the 11th amendment of International Classification of Diseases announced this year. Even though children can quickly absorb new information from electronic products, there are also some disadvantages. Therefore, parents should keep eyes on lowering the possibility of children having electronic games disorder.

Ms. Cing, preschool education tutor points that nowadays a lot of children lack of concentration. Over using electronic products is a reason. In order to let children concentrate on eating, many parents put an iPad in front of them so that they can watch videos and have meals at the same time. However, the scree of electronic products keeps flashing each second. It simulates eyeballs to attract children’s attention. When children are used to fast flashing pictures, it’s hard for them to concentrate in static situation. In daily life, teachers and blackboards cannot flash. Even if teachers design activities or colorful teaching materials, children still cannot concentrate on learning or sit quietly because these are less exciting than flashing pictures.

Apart from that, over using electronic products will influence the ability of expression. Tutor Ms. Cing pointes that using electronic products is a one-way receiving information, which makes children don’t need to interact with others. One-way receiving information makes children are used to answer questions with closed answers or just a few words, for example children cannot answer WH questions at appropriate phases. They can answer questions with a few words, such as not hungry, pork or ok, but they cannot deal with associative or open questions so that they are weak in expressing demands or feelings.

Ways to say goodbye to phubbers:

  1. To know children’s level of development and arrange appropriate games, such as building blocks matching and table games.

  2. To build strengths. Passing tests can make children have a sense of accomplishment. Parents should help children get a sense of accomplishment in activities.

  3. To control time of surfing the Internet. For example, set time of surfing the Internet of five minutes, but it is not suggested that parents stop children surfing online or take phones away immediately.

  4. To set a good example. Parents shouldn’t often use electronic products in front of children.

  5. To take back children’s attention. For example, parents can prepare a set of tableware that children like, put children’s exclusive table and chair and take away toys around dinner table so that children can eliminate disturb and understand the importance of concentration when eating.

[1] 世衛擬列沉迷打機為心理健康疾病 專家教你4招戒癮(2018)。李欣愉。香港01。摘錄至:

[2] 寶寶「吃飯難」父母這麼破?沒有iPad真的就不能好好吃飯了?(2017)。每日頭條。摘錄至:

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