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小遊戲 大發展 Small games big development




1. 抓抓樂


2. 堆積木


3. 投硬幣



1. 串珠子


2. 對摺紙


3. 拾豆袋


Recently there are some things children cannot do well, for example, bad handwriting, cannot take food with chopsticks, cannot aim at the target when throwing a ball, be out of boundary when doing color filling. Why do they have these problems?

Physiotherapist Ng of Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital shows that if children have the coordination problem among eyes, hands and limbs, development in each aspect will be slow. In early phase, it’s normal that it’s late for children to learn how to stand and walk, how to go upstairs or it’s easy to fall down. In later phase, these problems can be found. Furthermore, if children have coordination problem, they are weak not only in sports, but also in confidence, self-care ability, learning ability and social ability development. Parents can let children play small games as follow to help them improve coordination of eyes and hands.

Stater games:

1. Happy Grasp

Parents can let babies grasp colorful toys that are hung in their range of activity. In order to grasp toys, babies can not only reach out their hands, but also adjust their position, which is helpful for babies to develop balance and coordination skills.

2. Stack Toy Blocks

Parents can let children stack colorful toy blocks. If only children did it, parents should clap hands or praise children so that they can be more confident.

3. Throwing Coins

Parents can let babies put coins into a piggy bank one by one. When babies have advanced skills, parents can let babies play the game of shape matching.

Advanced games:

1. String Beads

Prepare a sting and many beads, then let children try to string beads.

2. Paper Folding

Let children use colorful paper to fold with corner diagonal. If capacity is allowed, children can challenge advanced paper folding, such as fold triangle or square paper or even animal shape paper.

3. Bean Bag Pickup

Let children pick up a bean bag on the ground, and then jump on one foot to the next station and pick up a bean bag. After that, children go to the destination to throw bean bags, throwing and catching them by themselves. If they finish the game, they can try another difficulty one that is to clap hands and then catch the bean bag, after throwing the bean bag as well as another one that is catch the bean bag threw by others. In the process of playing these games, children should judge the distance and coordinate brain computing, appropriate strength and use of limbs.

[1] 遊戲訓練改善兒童手眼肢體協調(2017)。頭條日報。摘錄至:

[2] 秘笈! 0~3歲寶寶動作訓練大公開(2012)。張旭鎧兒童職能治療師。摘錄至:

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