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讓正能量圍繞寶寶 Make positive energy around children


1. 不要在孩子面前吵架


2. 不要在孩子面前指責他人


3. 不要在孩子面前抱怨


4. 不要用偏激語氣來表達對事物的看法


1. 父母不要在孩子面前做的四件事(2017)。每日頭條。摘錄至:

Family environment has a great influence on children’s healthy development. Parents are the closest to their children. Parents’ behavior and emotion can indirectly influence children’s psychological healthy development and children’s character can be imperceptibly influenced by their parents. Parents should avoid their negative emotions influencing children’s psychological development. There are some tips that parents can follow:

1. Do not quarrel in front of the children.

Quarrel makes children fell nervous and have a sense of fear. If parents often quarrel in front of the children, they will have a lot of mental strain and lost a sense of security.

2. Do not blame others in front of the children.

Parents’ behavior is the benchmark of the children. Blaming others may make children learn bad ways of treating others and handling affairs, distort children’s soul and greatly influence their psychological health.

3. Do not complain in front of the children.

Parents are main supporters of children. The attitude of parents towards life indirectly influence the sense of security and confidence of the children towards life. Parents often complain of life in front of the children, which make children are under pressure from the society and life so that children can feel the sense of insecurity and suffer from untimely pressure that they shouldn’t bear.

4. Do not express opinions in extreme tones.

Psychologists agree that extreme language and feelings can make children’s psychology turn to be extreme. Extreme expressions have bad influences on children’s character and psychological development.

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