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從今天開始讓寶寶自己吃飯吧 From today on, let children have meals by themselves


1. 發掘不同的感覺經驗

2. 當孩子用手抓食物的同時,也是感受食物的溫度、觸感,開發感官的時刻。

3. 訓練動作協調性

4. 無論是用手或餐具,都需要配合小肌肉、大肌肉的協調,以及控制手指的力度。在進食的同時,孩子的身體也在學習和發展。


1. 不要讓孩子養成一邊吃飯一邊看電視、玩玩具等壞習慣

2. 就餐氣氛要輕鬆愉悅,不要讓孩子感到壓力,吃飯時父母可以和孩子談論哪些食物好吃,哪些有營養,喚起孩子對吃飯的興趣。

3. 不要強迫孩子吃飯,如果孩子一時不想吃,可以等孩子餓的時候再重新把飯菜熱過後給他自己吃。讓他知道不好好吃飯就要挨餓,自然就會按時吃飯了。

4. 寶寶能獨立自己吃了就不要再餵他。如果寶寶堅持讓你餵,你可以簡單地餵他幾口,然後表示他已經吃飽了並停止餵食。這樣,他如果想吃的話,就得自己吃。


It’s really tough for some parents to train children to have meals by themselves. Some children even school-aged children cannot have meals by themselves. Actually having meals by children themselves as early as possibly is not only good for physical and mental health as well as intellectual development, but also can improve independence when they grow up.

1. Develop experience of different feeling.

2. When children have food by hands, they can feel temperate, sense of touch and develop their sense organs at that moment.

3. Train coordination of movements

4. Using hands or utensils to have meals needs the coordination of fine motor and gross motor as well as control of fingers’ strength. When having meals, children’s body is learning and developing.

Tips for letting children eat by themselves:

1. Don’t develop bad habits of having meals and watching TV or playing toys at the same time.

2. Try to let children have meals at a relaxing atmosphere, and don’t make children feel stressed. When children have meals, parents can trigger their interests in having meals by talking with them about which is yummy and which is nutritious.

3. Don’t compel children to have meals. If children don’t want to have meals, parents can give them reheat food when they feel hungry. Parents should let children know that they have to starve if they don’t have meals, which will help children have meals on time.

4. Don’t feed children after they can have meals by themselves. If children insist on feeding them, parents can feed them a few mouthfuls of food, and then stop feeding. If so, children will have meals by themselves when they want to eat.

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