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對症下藥 從觀察寶寶鼻涕開始 Suiting the remedy to the case starts from observing baby’s snot.

最近天氣轉涼了, 小朋友很容易就會感染風寒,如果家長細心留意的話,也許能留意鼻涕帶來的身體信號呢。

雖然,我們不能單憑鼻涕 的顏色來診斷病情,但鼻涕顏色的變化確實能傳達我們一些身體信號。引起流鼻涕的原因有很多種,不只是某一個原因。我們可以把鼻涕用顏色來區分,不同顏色的鼻涕引發的原因也不同。1

  1. 透明的鼻涕。大部分時間流出透明的鼻涕說明了我們的身體是健康的,有可能是突然受到外界環境刺激而產生的應激反應,很快就會自行消失。若是常態性的流如清水般的透明鼻涕,很有可能就是鼻敏感問題。

  2. 白色的鼻涕。有可能是感冒前兆。季節交替,氣溫驟變,稍微受到風寒感染都可能誘發白色的鼻涕。

  3. 綠色的鼻涕。是細菌感染的跡象,如果是綠色鼻涕伴隨著發燒和疼痛,就有可能是支氣管炎的症狀。

  4. 深黃色的鼻涕。是鼻竇感染的跡象,尤其是變成深黃色,家長更加要留意。

  5. 紫色的鼻涕非常少見,是一種潛在嚴重疾病的表現。如果伴隨著疲勞、乏力、缺乏食慾、腿、腳裸和腿的腫脹、躺下或勞累時的呼吸急促、持續性咳嗽、快速或不規則的心跳、運動能力減弱等。是慢性及急性心力衰竭的症狀之一。請立即帶小朋友就醫!

  6. 紅色或粉紅色的鼻涕。混合了血液,可能是因為環境或身體過於乾燥,導致鼻腔內的毛細血管破裂。這時候要注意幫小朋友補充身體水分。

  7. 黑色的鼻涕小朋友吸入了過多污染的空氣。

1. Dize健康(2016), 透明色, 黃色, 乳白色! 不同顏色的鼻涕說明了什麼健康問題?!。摘錄至:

2. 耳鼻喉醫師李宏信, 是鼻過敏嗎?從鼻涕顏色判讀健康警訊。摘錄至:

Because the weather turns cold, many children are vulnerable to infection caused by the cold weather. If parents carefully observe, you will notice body signals from children’s snot.

Even though diseases cannot be diagnosed from the colour of snot, changes of the colour of snot really send us body signals. There are many reasons that cause a running nose. We can distinguish snot by different colours which are caused by different reasons.

  1. Transparent snot. It shows that children are healthy most of the time. Transparent snot probably is stress responses to sudden external stimuli, and it can disappear automatically. If children always have transparent snot like water, it’s maybe nasal allergy.

  2. White snot. It probably is a symptom of flu. Season alternate, sudden drop of air temperate and infection caused by cold weather can cause white snot.

  3. Green snot. It is a symptom of bacterial infection. If children have green snot with fever and pain, it probably a symptom of bronchitis.

  4. Yellow snot. It is a symptom of sinus infection. If the snot changes dark yellow, parents should pay more attention to it.

  5. Purple snot. Purple snot is rare and it is a symptom of underlying severe disease.If you have symptoms of fatigue, lack of strength and appetite, tumescence of feet, legs and ankles, tachypnea when you are lying down or tired, chronic cough, fast or irregular heartbeat as well as attenuation of athletic ability, please immediately take children to see a doctor because it is symptoms of chronic or acute heart failure.

  6. Red or pink snot. It mixes with blood. The environment or children’s body is so dry, so capillaries in nasal cavity are broken. If so, parent should rehydrate children’s body.

  7. Black snot. It’s caused by inhaling too much polluted air.

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