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注意小朋友健康 由鼻敏感做起 Take care of children’s health starting from keeping from Nasal Allergy.



1 伊利沙伯醫院(1999年3月)。淺談鼻敏感。取自:

Nasal Allergy is a series of chain allergic reactions in nasal mucosa stimulated by allergens, and after the allergens in the air invade stimulus, immune system produces antibodies in response to foreign substances.

Even though the case of having nasal allergy with children under 3 years old is rare, with the growth of children, there are 42% at most of children aged 6-7 having the symptom of nasal allergy. The worst situation is that rhinobyon affects sleeping quality of children, which makes children easily feel tired in the daytime and be difficulty in concentrating on lessons so that children may decline in academic performance. Origins of nasal allergy include pollen, mould, fur and acarid parasitized in bedding and furniture, etc. Currently there is no radical treatment for allergy, but treating and preventing nasal allergy can be controlled by environment factors. For example, in humid or rainy days, you can use dehumidifier to keep humidity below 50% indoors so as to decline mites breeding; you can also use air filter to keep fresh air; and you should prevent cockroaches and other insects for fear of excrement as allergens.

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