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我是Amazing Learners其中一位Amazinion, 看到我的樣子就想像到我就是負責綜合教育的Pink Amazinion,請多多指教!

這兩天實在是太高興啊,因為我可以跟隨我們Amazing Learners的創辦人一起來到曼谷的聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟社會委員會的基地,協助他們一起推動環保、經濟的發展,可以為社會出一分力,從小小年紀開始培養出愛護和關心世界的情操,作為Amazinion的自己實在感到很榮幸和滿足感!


[Amazinion going to the United Nations ]

Hello, boys and girls! I’m the pink Amazinion from the Amazing Planet!

You must’ve guessed that since you kids are all so smart. I’m Amazinion who’s responsible for spreading the fun idea of Integrated Education.

It’s a great pleasure that I have landed in the UN ESCAP in Bangkok with our founders. ESCAP helps greatly the Asia Pacific region in economic and social developments. As one of the amazinions, I’m very honored that I can contribute

to the society and bring creativity and kindness to our world! Kids, come join us

and explore the world with the amazinion family!

Come visit us at our Edutainment Center in Sai Ying Pun. Save the environment, we are very close to MTR HKU station Exit B1. See you all soon!

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