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AMAZING LEARNERS Edutainment Center 玩學中心

【AMAZING LEARNERS Edutainment Center 玩學中心】

FUN to learn PLAY to love PRO to success

各位家長,你們沒有眼花,我們的確是一間Edutainment Center 玩學中心。

Edutainment 一字是我們爲了帶出中心玩學合一的概念油然而生。

而何謂玩學合一? 總的來說,我們分為三大元素,分階段進行




我們剛剛空降在西營盤,為了令大家可以更了解玩學合一這個概念,我們為各位家長的小朋友準備好試堂優惠,想了解更多可以click入 www.amazinglearners.org和我們聯絡!

【AMAZING LEARNERS Edutainment Center 】

FUN to learn PLAY to love PRO to success

Parents~ there is no doubt. Amazing Learners is a center which combines playing and learning, namely Edutainment Center.

Edu・tain・ment emerges because of the conception of combining playing and learning in Amazing Learners.

You may wonder what it is and what the differences are between Amazing Learners and other education centers.

Simply speaking, there are three elements and different levels.

FUN:courses are suitable for children of different ages. FUNècourses by sports can help activate each learning cell in the brain.

PLAY:courses can help children unknowingly improve skills of emotion management, language expression, imagination and problem-solving by arranged activities of playing and games.

PRO:courses with the elites in management team and top coaches, offer professional and unforgettable sessions to children.

The most importantly, all parents are busy working so that their children have a high-quality learning environment and grow up healthily and happily, which we really can help parents. We hope we can make contribution to the growth of children. Amazing Learners is opening in Sai Ying Pun. In order to make you deeply understand the conception of edutainment, we offer the discount of trial classes for children.

Please click the link to contact us!

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